Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All my friends are blogging...I don't get it, and I don't like it. But if you can't beat 'em, blog it.

We'll start with the lowdown:
-Full-time Mom to the notorious D-Y-L-A-N, aka D$, phonetically spent DMuns,
-Full-time Realtor w/ RE/MAX Extreme: Buying, Selling, Residential, Investment, and so on...
-Part-time Lover (w/ full Benefits) finally making it official this September (more on that later)

I have two dogs, both adopted. No cats. Justin said if I can teach the baby to say "cat" we can adopt one of those too. I like tequila on the rocks, salt on the rim w/ 5 limes. I'm a firm believer in the old saying "if you can't tone it, tan it" (I have a great spray tan girl if you're also a "believer"). I don't have a ton of friends, but the friends I do have know the importance of cheap wine, expensive cheese, and a good therapist.

My normal day goes something like this: Wake up, change baby, shower, put baby down for a nap (protest), work, blackberry dings, head into the office, blackberry dings, laptop on, fax/scan/print, blackberry dings, hot pilates or bikram (blackberry on silent), spray tan, blackberry dings, Trader Joe's to pick up dinner, home, blackberry dings, throw blackberry, cook dinner, feed baby, clean baby food off the floor, bottle of wine, dark chocolate, laxative tea, bed. (I'll mess with the font a bit more next time)

Speaking of, time to go pay attention to my fiance and tickle my child...until tomorrow.


  1. And THOSE are all the reasons I named you my secret BFF.... FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!

  2. When keepin it real goes wrong! Ha ha ha I love it!
